International Relations
International activities of the Department of Social Sciences closely correspond with its specialisation in Education for Democratic Citizenship and Europeanism. Since its beginning in 1991 the department has arranged numerous bilateral contacts with foreign institutions and universities. On the basis of these contacts it develops scientific and – for the department especially important – pedagogical cooperation: student´s educational stays and study visits of the department members or cooperation in realization of research projects, cooperation in holding conferences and symposiums etc.
The department cooperates with universities:
Heidelberg (Germany), Würzburg (Germany), Opolí (Poland), Pécs (Hungary), Bánská Bystrica (Slovensko), Naples (Itálie), Las Palmas (Spain) a Daugavpils (Latvia).
The ERASMUS programme operates within the Lifelong Learning Programme – LLP that has arisen under the decision and authority of the European Commission EU in the year 2006. It is primarily focused on universities – students, pedagogues and other university staff. Within this programme The Department of Social Sciences of Faculty of Education, Palacký University, Olomouc has made bilateral agreements with similarly specialized departments at the universities in Heidelberg (Germany), Opole (Poland) and Pécs (Hungary).
- Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg, Coordinator Mgr. Gabriela Medveďová
(e-mail: gabriela.medvedova@upol.cz, tel.: +420 585 635 412) - Julius-Maximilians Universität Würzburg, Coordinator Mgr. Gabriela Medveďová
(e-mail: gabriela.medvedova@upol.cz, tel.: +420 585 635 412) - Uniwersytet Opolski, Coordinator Mgr. Pavel Krákora, Ph.D.
(e-mail: pavel.krakora@upol.cz, tel.: +420 585 635 404) - Pécsi Tudományegyetem, Coordinator Mgr. Gabriela Medveďová
(e-mail: gabriela.medvedova@upol.cz, tel.: +420 585 635 412)
The bilateral agreements with the universities in Heidelberg, Würzburg and Opole are valid until academic year 2013, in the case of University of Pécs the bilateral agreement within the ERASMUS programme is valid until the academic year 2013/2014.
Further information on the ERASMUS Programme administration is available on the sites of International Relations Office of Palacký University Olomouc, information relevant to functioning and aims of this programme can be found on the websites of https://www.dzs.cz/enCzech National Agency for International Education and Research. You can also appeal to the above-mentioned coordinators.