Project activities
Since its beginning the Department of Social Sciences is focused on the research activities, especially in the sphere of improving the quality of education for citizenship, namely on all levels of the Czech education system.
Projects of the Czech Science Foundation
Book The Corrective of Masaryk's Philosophy
(Standart project of Czech Science Foundation No. 401/09/0287, Main Researcher: doc. PhDr. Zdeněk Novotný, CSc., Duration 2009–2010)
Qualitative research of the construction of professional identity of the civic education teacher through the design of the case study
(Postdoctoral project of Czech Science Foundation No. 406/09/P126, Main Researcher: Mgr. Antonín Staněk, Ph.D., Duration 2009–2010)
ESF Projects - OP RLZ, OP VK a OP VVV
2016-2019 - Supporting the community practice as a tool for developing key competencies
(ESF Project, OP VVV, Module. Didactics of Civics)
2010-2013 - Education in practice and the art of teaching: Increasing the attractiveness of the teaching profession
(ESF Project, OP VK 2.2, Main Researcher: Ing. Dora Assenza, Ph.D., Duration 2010-2013)
More details see www.pvp.upol.cz
2005-2007 - Centre of inovative education: Extension of professional competences of futere and contemporary teachers by way of 10 new teaching modules
(ESF Project, OP RLZ, Main Researcher Ing. Dora Assenza, Ph.D., Duration 2005-2007)
More details see www.civ.novestranky.cz
Award of a Honorary Doctorate
In November 2007 The University of Pécs (Pécsi Tudományegyetem – Universitas Quinqueecclesiensis) conferred an academic degree of Doctor honoris causa (Dr.h.c.) on prof. PhDr. František Mezihorák, CSc, the founder of the Department of Social Sciences and Emeritus Dean of Faculty of Education, Palacký University.