General Information
Promoting Internationalization in the educational field is one of the important objectives of the faculty development. The Faculty of Education supports cooperation with foreign partners, both at the level of mobility and internships, as well as at the level of joint international projects and scientific research cooperation.
The main mobility programmes used by PdF UP include ERASMUS+ and CEEPUS. Within ERASMUS+, the faculty has concluded over 200 inter-institutional agreements and offers foreign students the possibility to choose from over 100 professional courses in a foreign language. In the area of project cooperation, we focus on EU projects such as Erasmus+ Teaching Academies, Partnerships for Innovation, Capacity Building in Higher Education, etc.
In the area of long-term non-European partnerships, the Faculty has established cooperation with universities from the USA, Indonesia, China, Taiwan, Canada, Kazakhstan and others.
The faculty tries to support the development of students' global competences from its institutional resources also through short-term study mobility abroad. The aim is to enable as many students as possible to gain international, intercultural and professional experience.
Internationalization activities are also strengthened within the faculty environment by improving the quality of teaching of foreign language courses for both foreign and Czech students, supporting workshops and lectures by visiting foreign academics, strengthening the language and intercultural competences of relevant types of staff, etc.
For foreign applicants, the faculty offers several study programmes accredited in English. In the Bachelor's programme, these are the study programmes in Special Education and English Language for Education, and in the follow-up Master's programme Research and Development in Educational Studies. In the doctoral programme, international students can study in the study programmes Education, Special Education and Music Theory and Education.