Research at the Institute

The Institute of Education of the Faculty of Education of UP focuses its research on the school environment, which is documented by the list of research projects.
The academic research activities of the Institute’s employees correspond to their professional qualifications and are focused on areas relevant to the guaranteed teaching and non-teaching fields of study. It currently focuses mainly on the school environment and the environment of other social institutions. They have received funding from the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, the Canadian government, the University Development Fund (FRVŠ), Czech Science Foundation (GAČR), TEMPUS programme, Socrates programme, Jan Hus Educational Foundation, ESF, Palacký University, and the Faculty of Education of UP (internal grants).
The academic research activities of the Institute are positively influenced by the Pedagogy and Education doctoral degree programme (DDP). The Ph.D. students and their supervisors represent a considerable source of academic research potential. The base of young and promising scientists and academics is reinforced thanks to the organisation of regular seminars and, above all, the international student academic conference cycle.