Mgr. Jana ČERNÁ, Ph.D.

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Ústav cizích jazyků

Pedagogická fakulta

Žižkovo nám. 5


odborný asistent

Teaching: English Didacticts

Černá J., Bačíková B., Chráska M., Babická B. Online Technology in informal learning and formal education: a case study among future English teachers. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Language, Individual & Society. 2021.
Černá J., Babická B., Nevařil J. Using digital technologies for informal learning: a case study among future English teachers. EDULEARN21 Proceedings. 2021.
Černá J., Babická B., Kořínková J., Nevařil J., Bačíková B., Chráska M., Bartošová M., Janošková L., Kačerovská K., Krsková T., Otevřelová Z. Using Online Technologies for Informal Learning by Future Teachers of English. 2022.
Černá J. Psychologie učení: Teoretické a výzkumné poznatky pro edukační praxi. e-PEDAGOGIUM, nezávislý odborný časopis pro interdisciplinární výzkum v pedagogice. 2021.
Černá J. Výhody a limity informálního osvojování si jazyka na základě ICT: Akční výzkum a jeho potenciál. e-PEDAGOGIUM, nezávislý odborný časopis pro interdisciplinární výzkum v pedagogice. 2021.
Current courses
Course title Department/Abbrev. Semester Type Classes
English language and young learners 2 KAJ/KAZ2@ ZS 8
Didaktika angličtiny A KAJ/WDA1X ZS Cv 3
Teaching English in primary schools - seminar 2 KAJ/KDP2@ ZS 4
English language and young learners 1 KAJ/AJZ1@ LS Se 2
Teaching English in primary schools - seminar 3 KAJ/KDP3@ LS 6
Teaching language skills KAJ/KDSK@ LS 4
English for pre-school children KAJ/QEPS@ ZS Se 1
English language and young learners 2 KAJ/AJZ2@ ZS Se 2
Didaktika angličtiny B KAJ/WDA2X ZS Cv 3
English language for pre-school education KAJ/KMAS@ LS 5
ELT Methodology 1 KAJ/WZDI1 ZS Cv 8
ELT Methodology 1 KAJ/WZDI1 ZS Se 0
ELT Methodology 2 KAJ/WZDI2 LS Cv 6
ELT Methodology 2 KAJ/WZDI2 LS Se 0
English language teaching in the pre-primary school KAJ/KMDA@ ZS 7
Pre-primary didactics of AJ KAJ/KPDA@ ZS 7
English for pre-school children KAJ/DAMS@ ZS Se 1
English language teaching in the primary school 1 KAJ/KPD1@ ZS 6
English language teaching in the primary school 2 KAJ/KPD2@ LS 9
English language teaching in the primary school 3 KAJ/KPD3@ ZS 6
English language teaching in the primary school 4 KAJ/KPD4@ LS 7
Teaching English in primary schools - seminar 2 KAJ/DIP2@ ZS Se 2
Teaching English in primary schools - seminar 3 KAJ/DIP3@ LS Se 2
Teaching language skills KAJ/DISK@ LS Se 1
Language skills in the classroom KAJ/QTLS@ LS Se 1
English language for pre-school education KAJ/MAJS@ LS Cv 2
English for young learners 1 KAJ/QYL1@ LS Se 2
English for pre-school children KAJ/KAMS@ ZS 4
Pre-primary didactics of AJ KAJ/PDA@ ZS Cv 2
English language teaching in the primary school 3 KAJ/PDA3@ ZS Se 4
English language teaching in the primary school 4 KAJ/PDA4@ LS Se 4
English language and young learners 1 KAJ/KAZ1@ LS 4
ELT Methodology A KAJ/YDIP1 ZS Cv 2

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