doc. Mgr. Karel PASTOR, Ph.D.



Katedra matematiky

Pedagogická fakulta

Žižkovo nám. 5



Board games, optimization, convex analysis, generalized derivatives, set-valued analysis, Sharkovskii theorem.

Pastor K. Eulerova šachová procházka. ELEMENTARY MATHEMATICS EDUCATION JOURNAL. 2023.
Pastor K. Zamyšlení nad pravidly soutěže Matematický klokan. ELEMENTARY MATHEMATICS EDUCATION JOURNAL. 2023.
Pastor K. Lichess jako nástroj pro rozvoj kombinatorického myšlení. ELEMENTARY MATHEMATICS EDUCATION JOURNAL. 2022.
Pastor K. Kangaroo on the chessboard as a didactical tool. ELEMENTARY MATHEMATICS EDUCATION JOURNAL. 2021.
Vaško J., Pastor K., Bártek K. WolframAlpha jako pomocný nástroj učitele a žáka. ELEMENTARY MATHEMATICS EDUCATION JOURNAL. 2021.
Pastor K. Chess domination problems. ELEMENTARY MATHEMATICS EDUCATION JOURNAL. 2020.
Pastor K. Chess piece tour problems. ELEMENTARY MATHEMATICS EDUCATION JOURNAL. 2020.
Pastor K. Chess independence problem. ELEMENTARY MATHEMATICS EDUCATION JOURNAL. 2019.
Pastor K. Kalaha jako didaktická pomůcka. Učitel matematiky. 2019.
Andres J., Pastor K. Sharp Block–Sharkovsky Type Theorem for Multivalued Maps on the Circle and Its Application to Differential Equations and Inclusions. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering. 2019.
Andres J., Pastor K. A multivalued version of the Block-Sharkovsky theorem applicable to differential equations on the circle. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIFURCATION AND CHAOS. 2018.
Andres J., Pastor K. Block–Sharkovsky type theorem on the circle applicable to differential equations and inclusions. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering. 2018.
Pastor K. Derivatives of Hadamard type in vector optimization. Mathematica Slovaca. 2018.
Dvorská M., Pastor K. Generalization of C^{1,1} Property in Infinite Dimension. Acta Mathematica Vietnamica. 2016.
Dvorská M., Pastor K. On comparison of l--stable vector optimization results. Mathematica Slovaca. 2014.
Pastor K., Bednařík D. On Lipschitz behaviour of some generalized derivatives. Mathematica Slovaca. 2013.
Bednařík D., Pastor K. Composition of l-stable vector functions. Mathematica Slovaca. 2012.
Bednařík D., PASTOR K. On second-order optimality conditions in constrained multiobjective optimization. Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications. 2011.
Bednařík D., Pastor K. On $\ell$--stable mappings with values in infinite dimensional Banach spaces. Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications. 2010.
Bednařík D., Pastor K. On relations of vector optimization results with $C^{1,1}$ data. Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series. 2010.
Bednařík D., Pastor K. A characterization of C{1,1} functions via lower directional derivatives. Mathematica Bohemica. 2009.
Pastor K. A note on second-order optimality conditions. Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications. 2009.
Bednařík D., Pastor K. Decrease of C^{1,1} property in vector optimization. RAIRO Operations Research. 2009.
Bednařík D., Pastor K. Fréchet approach in second-order optimization. Applied Mathematical Letters. 2009.
Pastor K. Characterization of strict convexity for locally Lipschitz functions. Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics. 2009.
Pastor K., Bednařík D. l-stable functions are continuous. Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications. 2009.
Andres J., Fürst T., Pastor K. Sharkovskii's theorem, differential inclusions, and beyond. Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis. 2009.
Bednařík D., Pastor K. Differentiability properties of functions that are l-stable at a point. Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications. 2008.
Pastor K. Fréchet approach to generalized second-order differentiability. Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica. 2008.
Andres J., Fürst T., Pastor K. Full analogy of Sharkovsky?s theorem for lower semicontinuous maps. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 2008.
Bednařík D., Pastor K. On second-order conditions in unconstrained optimization. Mathematical Programming. 2008.
Andres J., Pastor K., Šnyrychová P. Simple fixed point theorems on linear continua. Cubo. A Mathematical Journal. 2008.
Andres J., Pastor K., Šnyrychová P. A multivalued version of Sharkovskii?s theorem holds with at most two exception. Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications. 2007.
Andres J., Fürst T., Pastor K. Period two implies all periods for a class of ODES: A multivalued approach. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 2007.
Pastor K., Bednařík D. Second-order sufficient condition for l-stable functions. Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis, Facultas Rerum Naturalium, Mathematica. 2007.
Bednařík D., Pastor K. Errata: Eliminaton of strict convergence in optimization. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization. 2006.
Andres J., Pastor K. A version of Sharkovskii?s theorem for differential equations. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 2005.
Pastor K. Convexity and generalized second-order derivatives for locally lipschitz functions. Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications. 2005.
Andres J., Bednařík D., Pastor K. On the notion of derivo-periodicity. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 2005.
PASTOR K., Bednařík D. A technical note concerning one example. Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications. 2003.
Pastor K. Generalized second-order sufficient optimality conditions. Journal of Electrical Engineering. 2002.
Pastor K., Hodaňová J. Online resources of geometrical examples. EDULEARN21 Proceedings. 2021.
Pastor K., Hodaňová J. Geometry as a Source of Non-Standard Tasks. ICERI2020 Proceedings. 2020.
Laitochová J., Uhlířová M., Pastor K. Problems by level of difficulty and their use in mathematics tests. EDULEARN20 Proceedings. 2020.
Škultéty M., Pastor K. Problems in Solving Non-Standard Mathematical Tasks. ICERI2020 Proceedings. 2020.
Pastor K., Bártek K., Nocar D. Chess can Encourage Interest in Ms Excel and Vice Versa. ICERI2019 Proceedings. 2019.
Nocar D., Dofková R., Pastor K., Laitochová J. Primary School Teachers Preparedness to Develop Pupils' Digital Literacy in Teaching Mathematics. In Chova LG., Martínez AL., Torres IC. (Eds.) EDULEARN19 Proceedings. 2019.
Laitochová J., Nocar D., Pastor K. Propositional Logic Word Problems and MS Excel at Primary and Secondary Education. In Carmo M. (Eds.) Education and New Developments 2019. Volume II. 2019.
Pastor K. Rozvoj kombinatorického myšlení žáků základních škol. In Bártek K., Loutocký O., Klement M., Laitochová J. (Eds.) 2022.
Pastor K., Bednařík D. Generalized directional derivatives. 2010.
Uhlířová M., Nocar D., Dofková R., Laitochová J., Zdráhal T., Talášek T., Pastor K., Bártek K., Wossala J., Vaško J., Bártková E. Challenges of primary mathematics education as a part of teaching for the 21st century. 2023.
Bártek K., Dofková R., Hodaňová J., Laitochová J., Nocar D., Pastor K., Talášek T., Uhlířová M., Vaško J., Wossala J., Zdráhal T. Actual Challenges of Primary Mathematics Education in the 21st Century. 2021.

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