Centre for the Prevention of Risky Virtual Communication Introduces

Pondělí 6. květen 2024, 8:00 – Text: Centre for the prevention of risky virtual communication

We would like to introduce you the website of Centre for the prevention of risky virtual communication Faculty of Education of Palacký University in Olomouc. The Centre focuses on prevention of hazardous behaviour associated with the use of information and communication technologies by children.

The Centre for the Prevention of Risky Virtual Communication of the Faculty of Education of Palacký University in Olomouc (CPRVC) is a certified university workplace dealing with risky forms of online communication of children and adults and effective use. It focuses on cyberbullying, cyberstalking, hoax and spamming, sexting, social engineering in the online community, risks of sharing personal data on social networks and other risky communication phenomena.

Research conducted at the CPRVC is both basic and applied (including contract research). It focuses on risky communication between children and sexual abusers, the risks of sharing personal data across communication platforms, specific forms of cyber-attacks through webcams (webcam trolling), how to detect fake profiles, identify fraudulent e-shops and commercial offers, identify aggressors, support victims, etc.

In recent years, he has also been working intensively on the issue of strengthening media literacy – through education. In this area, it cooperates, for example, with CEDMO – Central European Digital Media Observatory. New research topics include, for example, the risks and opportunities associated with artificial intelligence.

In addition to research, the Centre also runs a national project on prevention and education in relation to risky behaviour on the Internet called E-Safety (www.e-bezpeci.cz), an online counselling service for victims of Internet attacks (www.napisnam.cz) linked to the national Safety Line, the Police of the Czech Republic, the Authority for Social and Legal Protection of Children and other professional institutions.

Centre for the Prevention of risky virtual communication (the Centre) Pedagogical Faculty of Palacký University in Olomouc was founded as a logical successor to the project Prevention of dangerous communication practices related to electronic communication for teachers and non-teachers (called E-Bezpečí), which was implemented in 2008–2009 thanks to the GACR grant. Thanks to this project basic functional structure focused on the prevention of socio-pathological phenomena in online virtual environments was created.

Currently the Centre realizes complex of virtual communication activities in the field of education, prevention, intervention and research, affecting the whole territory of the Czech Republic.


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