Christmas at the Faculty of Education UP

Photo: Alžběta Gregorová
Pondělí 23. prosinec 2024, 9:00 – Text: Faculty of Education UP

Dear colleagues, dear students, we wish you and your loved ones a peaceful and restful holiday season. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2025! Read Dean Vojtech Regec's Christmas wishes and take a look at the surprise we have prepared for you.

"For the coming year I would like to wish you and your loved ones good health, happiness and satisfaction, both in your professional and personal life. May your work and studies continue to bring you joy and inspiration. May mutual respect, cooperation and the joy of discovering new horizons reign at our faculty.

I wish you a peaceful and joyful Christmas full of comfort in the circle of your loved ones, and in the New Year 2025 a lot of energy and courage to fulfill your dreams and resolutions," Vojtech Regec, Dean of the Faculty, wished the academic community.

Also this year, musicians from the Olomouc music formation Loco Poco prepared a Christmas present for all students, employees and friends of the Faculty of Education of Palacký University in Olomouc! This year you can listen to the original Christmas song "Andělé koledu trumpet"; the music is by Kamila Spíchalová and the lyrics are by Marek Vojtěch. This video is a follow-up to the successful cover of the well-known hit "Snowman", which Loco Poco recorded last year.



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