"Jan Amos Komenský" – a documentary that seeks answers to unresolved questions

Pátek 4. říjen 2024, 8:42 – Text: Teacher21 editorial staff

On our faculty YouTube channel, you can find a new documentary film focused on John Amos Comenius. How did the idea of making this video come about? And how was the documentary made? In today's article, the initiator of the project, Kateřina Valchářová from the Institute of Education and Social Studies, will tell you more!


It happened exactly two years ago. The winter semester was just starting, and I was entering the classroom for a class called Dějiny předškolní pedagogiky (History of Early Childhood Education). The topic of that day’s seminar was "Jan Amos Komenský” (John Amos Comenius). As I said it, I felt the eyes of every student in the room meet. Dozens of eyes all reflecting the same thought: "We already know this name." There was quiet tension in the room as everyone glanced around with an unspoken question: "What new information do you think we'll find out about him today?"

John Amos Comenius, the teacher of nations, educator, philosopher, and man of many faces. Much has been written and said about this extraordinary man, yet there remain questions to which answers are still missing.

The idea of creating this document was born directly in the classroom, among the students. While discussing Comenius, we came across questions that we were really interested in, but to which we could not find satisfactory answers at that time. My husband, who was a great support throughout the process, came up with the idea of making a short video. "We've got time now during our parental leave," he said, "so why not take advantage of it?" And so, we decided to embark on a journey to find the answers to the questions we were curious about.

Our first stop was with the mayors of Komňa, Nivnice and Uherský Brod, places that are closely linked to Comenius' life. We had three interesting visits with three amazing mayors, each offering unique opinions. I remember it like it was yesterday when I sent out emails asking if we could visit them, and in all three cases we got an immediate reply "Of course, we look forward to seeing you". These pleasant and inspiring meetings prompted another spontaneous decision - we bought tickets and flew to the Netherlands, specifically to Naarden, where John Amos Comenius spent the last years of his life. There we were accompanied by Hanka Beránková, who became not only our guide but also a valuable source of answers to many questions that had been bugging us for a long time.

At the Comenius Museum in Naarden, we were welcomed with open arms and made to feel at home. This experience gave us new energy and motivation to continue filming even after returning home. Soon we began to approach experts on Comenius' life and work. With great respect and humility, we reached out to them to request their cooperation. Over time, many experts started to contact us with offers to contribute their knowledge and insights. We were thrilled to see how many experts supported us and who in a way became part of our project. We really appreciate everyone who was involved in the filming process. To ensure no one is overlooked, we won't list them all here, but it's important to mention that we didn't know most of them personally before filming. We appreciate even more that they showed us trust and decided to work with us on this project.

From what was originally intended to be a short video, eventually became almost a full-length film. Our goal was to create a documentary that would be understandable and interesting for viewers across generations. We believe that we have succeeded in bringing a new perspective on the life and work of John Amos Comenius and at the same time inspiring young people not only in the field of education but also in leading them to appreciate nature and the energy it gives us.

One of Comenius’ key principles was that we should not blindly accept everything that is presented to us as knowledge. Like him, we also try to stress the importance of studying, verifying information and going our own way, which in turn may be an inspiration to someone else. This documentary attempts to inspire viewers not only to reflect on Comenius' legacy but also to reflect on their own steps on the journey of knowledge.

I am very grateful to the management of our faculty of education for their trust and support during the filming process. I thank everyone involved, my husband, without whom the video would never have been made and my students who gave me the impulse to make something like this. I hope this video will be an inspiration for you as well.


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