Let's sign together or Deafember at the Faculty of Education!

Pondělí 30. září 2024, 10:00 – Text: Teacher21 editorial staff

For several years now, the Faculty of Education of Palacký University has been involved in the #Deafember campaign, which aims to raise awareness of the problems of people with hearing impairments and to popularize Czech sign language. Use the videos we have prepared, and let's sign together!

As part of the Let's Sign Together project, you can look forward to a series of thematic videos we are gradually publishing on the faculty's YouTube channel. The series is hosted by Pavel Kučera from the Institute of Special Education Studies and Kristýna Odstrčilová Kučerová from the Secondary, Primary and Nursery School for the Hearing-Impaired in Olomouc. Summer may be over, but in the first part of the series, we return to the period of holidays and camps. At the end of the video, you can also find a glossary to learn how to sign some words!

The #Deafember campaign, which takes place every year in September, aims to raise the profile and support of Deaf people both in the Czech Republic and abroad. It reminds the mainstream society that people with hearing impairment are among us, even though we may not recognise them in a crowd at first sight. This also applies to Palacký University, where several dozen young people with various degrees of hearing impairment study – with the help of the Support Centre for Students with Special Needs located at the Faculty of Education. The Faculty of Education not only supports the Deaf community through its participation in the #Deafember campaign but also many other activities and reminds us of the importance of educating children and young people with hearing impairments in their natural language.


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